
Japón aporta 900.000 dólares americanos para apoyar la respuesta de la OIM al terremoto de Haití

* Información disponible sólo en inglés

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan has allocated USD 900,000 through an Emergency Grant Aid to support the International Organization for Migration (IOM)’s earthquake response efforts in Haiti.

The 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit Haiti on 14 August has led to the death of 2,248 people and injury of an additional 12,763. A total of 53,815 buildings were destroyed and 83,770 were damaged, affecting over 800,000 people.

This new financial contribution will allow IOM to continue its life-saving assistance through the distribution of emergency shelter and non-food items to 19,000 people affected by the earthquake, who are living in the three departments most affected: South, Grand’Anse and Nippes.

Through the initiative, IOM aims to provide critical Shelter and NFI assistance to 3,800 vulnerable families who have either partially or completely lost their homes. IOM will distribute shelter fixing kits and tarpaulins, while tents will also be provided to key health facilities which were damaged, allowing them to thus continue offering life-saving medical assistance.

“IOM is extremely grateful to the Government of Japan for this generous contribution which will enable us to continue assisting vulnerable families affected by the devastating earthquake,” said IOM’s Chief of Mission in Haiti, Giuseppe Loprete. “This support will also reinforce rehabilitation efforts, essential in a context where disaster preparedness and response mechanisms are often challenged.”

Additionally, the project will focus on shelter rehabilitation, including structural assessments and the rehabilitation of key infrastructures, incorporating Build Back Safer (BBS) activities. BBS follows a set of principles used for building structures to improve their ability to better withstand hazards, which also involves working closely with the local population.

The rehabilitation process will follow an agreed technical and needs-based criteria, drafted with relevant Haitian public institutions and through consultations with the community, giving special consideration to the specific needs of women.