
Authorities in Costa Rica recognize the importance of moving towards an information system on human trafficking and migrant smuggling

A regional meeting for the exchange of experiences on information systems on human trafficking and smuggling of migrants, with the participation of authorities and representatives from Argentina, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Ecuador and Panama, the "Regional Meeting for the Exchange of Experiences on Information Systems on Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants" ended last Tuesday, February 20, in San Jose. The objective of this event was to share successful experiences in the use and exchange of data and information on human trafficking and smuggling of migrants. The identification of best practices allows to deepen national strategies and efforts to fight against organized crime that executes these crimes.

This activity was developed within the framework of the Joint Program "Costa Rica against trafficking and smuggling of migrants" funded by the Multi-Partner Migration Trust Fund (MMPTF), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and UN Women together with the authorities of the National Coalition against smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons (CONATT). This space is part of the initial phase for the construction of a data dashboard that allows the management and visualization of updated data provided by the institutions that make up CONATT.

According to the Vice Minister of Interior and Police, Marlen Luna, "this space for inter-institutional exchange and coordination is extremely relevant and important, especially in a context of massive flow of migrants, which could increase the commission of these crimes".

Likewise, the deputy prosecutor against trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants, Eugenia Salazar, reiterated that "this meeting makes it possible to comply with the provisions of Law 9095, which will provide the country with a tool for the detection, identification and investigation of the crimes of trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants".

Heydi González, Coordinator of the Joint Program, shared that the next steps are expected to include a training curriculum on registration, analysis, and exchange of data on the crimes of human trafficking and smuggling of migrants. She also emphasized that the Program would provide support to CONATT in the development of the data dashboard and the updating of protocols for the exchange of data with a human rights and gender focus.

The meeting ended with the words of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Costa Rica, Allegra Baiocchi, who emphasized that "this reinforces and reminds the commitment of the authorities and the United Nations System with migrants; since the ultimate goal of this meeting and the fight against organized crime is the protection of people in vulnerable situations".

This activity resulted in a list of agreements reached by consensus among the authorities that were in four working groups and that defined the needs and priority actions in the processes of standardization, exchange and management of data on human trafficking and smuggling of migrants.

For more information, please contact Allen Ulloa at IOM Costa Rica,,  +506 83184442.

SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals