IOM recognizes the important contribution of migrants to the development of the region that benefits both countries of origin and countries of destination.

For instance, the contribution of migrant workers to the development of their host communities is evident through, among other gains, their labour, expenditures, the taxes they pay, and the capacities and innovation they bring. At the same time, they contribute to the development of their countries of origin, thanks to the remittances they send and the investments they make which contribute to poverty reduction and human capital formation. They also contribute through the application of newly developed skills acquired during their migration process and the development of entrepreneurial activities.

In line with IOM’s global objective of harnessing the development potential of migration, for the benefit of both societies and migrants while contributing to poverty reduction and sustainable development, IOM’s work in the field of migration and development (M&D) in Central and North America and the Caribbean is a priority for the Organization. In this regard, IOM fosters synergies between labour migration and development, including the facilitation of temporary and circular labour migration, diaspora engagement initiatives, advice on migration and development policies, as well as the implementation of remittances and research projects. IOM’s migration and development strategy for Central and North America and the Caribbean will focus on providing continued technical assistance, and strengthening the capacities of governments to improve policy makers’ and practitioners’ abilities in the following areas:

  1. Mainstreaming migration into the development agenda at local, national and regional levels.
  2. Developing migration management policies which effectively promote and protect the rights of labour migrants.
  3. Promoting the socio-economic development of migrants.
  4. Enhancing inter-state dialogue and harmonization of policies between labour receiving and sending countries.
  5. Recognizing and understanding the direct and indirect contributions of labour migrants to both sending and receiving countries.
  6. Engaging with migrant communities abroad in order to encourage permanent, temporary or virtual return of skills.
  7. Supporting reintegration of skilled migrants into their home societies.
  8. Enhancing the impact of migrant remittances and savings.