Migrants are strong, resilient, compassionate but also CREATIVE people. Hundreds of Youtubers tell their stories in their host countries through creative videos or they quite simply show their best side, their culture and the bonds created with their audience. Their videos inspire a general speech to combat xenophobia and discrimination.

For this reason, the United Nations Migration Agency (IOM) would like to invite you to take part in our initiative called #Iamamigrant Challenge to combat negative speeches against migrants. IOM is looking for migrant Youtubers to co-create a video by channeling their creativity where they share/tell their stories of migration. Whether it is for studies, work, change of residence or forced migration, the video will help to deliver an effective message against xenophobia and discrimination. This is an opportunity for the Youtubers to send a message that foster a positive attitude towards migrants.

Join the chanllenge! 

*The views and opinions expressed by the youtubers participating  in the I'm a Migrant Challenge do not necessarily reflect the official position of the International Organization for Migration. 

Challenge Instructions

What is this challenge about?

Make a video with your own or personal style/personal touch telling us about your migration experience based on three objects. You may use a family photo even if they are in your home country, the keys of your first place of residence or any item that could be related to your story. The most important thing is that you tell us about:

The most difficult thing about leaving your home country. The main challenge of living abroad. What do you like the most in your host country? The most important lesson learned during your migrant experience. An idea of project which might help other migrants as you.


If your video highlights the positive aspects of migration, IOM will share it in their global channels and this will bring you more followers.  
For further information, please contact ROSanJoseCommunications@iom.int

*The views and opinions expressed by the youtubers participating  in the I'm a Migrant Challenge do not necessarily reflect the official position of the International Organization for Migration. 

We also want your video to be original, with the same creativity and style of your previous videos. However, with the purpose of delivering/promoting a positive message on migration, we suggest you to keep in mind the following guidelines:

Mention and add this link in the description of your video. This website will contain more information on migrants, their rights and information on how important is to fight xenophobia and discrimination. Call upon/Ask your followers to join us on our social media accounts to keep them updated on migration issues. IOM in Facebook: IOM_Caribbean and on Twitter: @IOM_Caribbean. When you publish the video on social media, do not forget to use the hashtag #Iamamigrant.  Nominate other Youtubers/Bloggers to complete the #Iamamigrant Challenge. Make a conclusion of your video by giving a positive message about migrants. 

Video Guideline - #Iamamigrant Challenge


Challenge Materials